Nick Foligno Vs. Marcus Foligno Battle On The Ice, But Only One Can Be The GIF Champ

By Jeff Svoboda on March 10, 2017 at 2:30 pm
Oh hi Nick Foligno
Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports

In case you haven't heard, Nick Foligno and brother Marcus face off the next two nights. We settle an important topic: Who has better GIFs?

The next two night, it's Columbus vs. Buffalo, but there will be an important game within the game: Nick Foligno vs. Marcus Foligno.

Of course, they're hockey guys, so each will say it's not about their relationship, it's about the team game. But it's also fair to say these are the nights each year where father Mike Foligno gets to feel proud as his boys face off in a pair of back-to-back NHL contests. 

The two have become bona fide NHLers much like their father. Nick, of course, is the Columbus captain, a man with 150 NHL goals, including 22 this year while leading the Jackets back into the playoff race.

Marcus, meanwhile, isn't afraid to drop his gloves (much like his older brother). A physical presence at nearly 230 pounds, Marcus also has some scoring touch, with a career-high 12 goals this season.

The two also are a lot of fun, the kind of guys who make you enjoy watching and being around hockey. Want proof? 

As Grantland Rice was fond of saying, Let's go to the GIFs.

First off, the hometown hero.


OK, good opening salvo. Marcus, your reply?


Whoa, a little aggressive there. What did goalies ever do to you?

Nick, what's up with your brother?


We feel you, Nick. Younger brothers, right? Marcus, what's next?


Marcus dance


Now those are MOVES. Nick, any thoughts on your brother's dancing?


Tough, but fair.

Marcus, you really have to bring it strong here. What's your response?

Oh man, perhaps the NHL GIF of the year. Nick, are you about to let your little brother outdo you here?


Foligno winner


Game, blouses. Nick is your Foligno family GIF champion. Any reaction, 71?


Seems about right.

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