Monsters & Prospects Forum

Monsters & Prospects Forum

Cleveland Monsters and CBJ prospects talk.

Sergei Ivanov

+1 +/-
BlueJacketRebel's picture
August 27, 2024 at 11:03am
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Sergei Ivanov is once again in nowheresville as he was loaned to HC Sochi this season.
Last season he held his own with Admiral. Unfortunately I guess Sochi is just glad to be playing. His first preseason game he gave up 1 goal and lost in OT. Today however , according to the box score, he was left in the whole game and allowed to be blasted with 5 goals.
I'd like to thank SKA for not giving a deuce about our prospect. He was one of the best last season and now he will probably be excrement by the time he hits Cleveland.
Thankfully Ivanov and Makarov only have to suffer this season and then they will get here. Let's hope they will be in salvageable condition at that time.

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